Mrs. Dalloway
Virginia Woolf’s classic illustrated in a new and varied way.London, a summery day in June. Mrs Dalloway says she would buy the flowers herself. 100 years later, this special edition of Virginia Woolf's literary classic is published.
As a group of 26 illustrators and designers, we look at the novel from as many different perspectives. We have carried and guided ourselves through the interwoven narrative of the text by reacting to each other's images.
The result is a pictorial work that provides different perspectives on the same passages of text in mutual reference to each other. Enhanced by the multi-layered book design, a complex collective work is created that reinforces the reading of the meandering rhythm.
The design and illustrations were created in 2023/24 at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle in cooperation with Büchergilde Gutenberg. The students were supervised by Georg Barber and Markus Färber in the illustration department and by Andrea Tinas and Marcus Wachter in the typeface and typography department.
1st edition 2024
Available in German and English at
Book design and layout by Daphne Croissier, Elia Kim Schick and Philip Bellmann
Fonts: ABC Whyte by ABC Dinamo and GT Alpina by Grilli Type
Production: Cosima Schneider, Frankfurt (Main)
Printing and binding: Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg