
Hi! I'm Julia.

I'm an illustrator, artist, and designer; enthusiastic lover of details and a good narrative.

With my conceptual, yet painterly works, I tell stories through a combination of image and text. Besides studying (Hochschule Augsburg/Bezalel Jerusalem/Burg Halle) I prefer to draw, design and initiate for causes and organizations whose values speak to me. Feel free to contact me if you would like to work together.


Illustration class, Burg Giebichenstein University, Halle
Student assistant to Prof. Barber/ATAK, 2022–2023

Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design, Halle
Visual Strategies and Stories (MA), 2021 until now

Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts
Scholarship programme Junge Kunst und Neue Wege, 2020–2021

Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem
Illustration, 2018/19 and 2020

University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg
Visual Communication (BA), 2016/17–2021

Workshop for typesetting and printing, Augsburg
Student assistant, 2018–2019

Kunstschule Sauterleute
Internship in the field of conception and art education,
artistic teamwork with children and young adults, 2015/16

Kunstschule Bettina Demmel
Education in painting, 2000–2009

*1996 in Lautrach

Dieses Vorhaben wurde im Rahmen des Stipendienprogramms
des Freistaats Bayern »Junge Kunst une neue Wege« unterstützt.

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